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Board and Special Interest Committee Chairs

Adult Outings

The kids shouldn’t get to have all the fun! Come join other SECPTA parents for events geared toward adult conversation and fun. During most months during the school year, SECPTA plans and sponsors 3 adult outings each month: one for couples, one for moms, and one for dads. Look for the scheduled events in the newsletter and online calendar! 


Babysitting Co-op

Would you like a night out? Do you want the option of going to an appointment, or on a shopping trip, without the kids? Then the SECPTA Babysitting Co-op may be for you! The Babysitting Co-op provides members with a babysitting option where no money is exchanged. It’s a Facebook group of SECPTA members that exchange babysitting services for each other, hour for hour. Participation can begin if you are a current SECPTA member and complete an Authorization Form. To find out more please reach out directly. 


Book Club

About once a month, a group of SECPTA members meet to discuss a book, usually at a member’s home. Look for book choices and dates in the newsletter and for more current information, ask to join the SECPTA Book Club Facebook group. 


Children’s Parties

Twice a year, SECPTA invites all members to parties! These parties are for the whole family and include entertainment! They are generally scheduled in the fall and spring. Look for the dates in the newsletter. 


Coffee Club

About once a month, SECPTA organizes a morning Coffee Club event, which often meets at a member’s home. It is a fun and casual way to meet some friends and events usually include snacks, drinks, and an activity. Attend with or without the kiddos! Look for the scheduled events in the newsletter and online calendar. Space is sometimes limited. 


Field Trips

Welcome SECPTA Adventurers! SECPTA plans and sponsors fun, age-appropriate field trips in Solon and surrounding areas. Last year there were 122 field trips, all subsidized by SECPTA for reduced admission costs. Look for the scheduled events in the newsletter and online calendar. Space is sometimes limited. 



SECPTA organizes regular fitness opportunities for parents. Look for events in the newsletter. Space is often limited. 

Contact: fitness@

Foodie Club

SECPTA organizes an event focused on food! Some activities are outings to local food events and others involve members cooking together. See the newsletter for events.  

Contact: foodieclub@

Helping Hands

SECPTA wants to support its members by acknowledging births, deaths, illnesses, and other important events of SEPTA members on behalf of the membership. If you know someone who has had one of these events, contact the committee chairperson. 


New Members

WELCOME and thanks for joining us! We are so glad that you are part of our organization, but we know it can be overwhelming. If you have any questions our New Member Liaison can get an answer or direct you to the correct board member. 



Once a month from July through May, a newsletter is shared containing relevant information for all members. Check out the latest on 


Picnic Pals

SECPTA organizes about 20 summer events at local parks and playgrounds that are open to the public. Look for the summer schedule in the May newsletter! 



SECPTA organizes and facilitates playgroups and occasional playgroups events (e.g., dance parties) for members. Playgroups meet on different days, depending on members’ availability. Reach out if joining a playgroup interests you. 



The committee shall publicize the organization’s activities as requested by the various committees via social media and other various means of publicity to local stores, libraries, churches, local papers, and pre-schools. 



Throughout the year, SECPTA sponsors a number of service projects supporting local groups and needs in our area. Former projects have included a diaper drive, charity garden, pet supply drive, etc. Look for opportunities in the newsletter and we’ll provide updates at general meetings. 



SECPTA offers the opportunity for children to participate in soccer in the fall and/or t-ball in the spring. SECPTA organizes teams and schedules a series of games during which all children get a chance to play. Look for sign-ups at the end of summer and spring. 

Contact: soccer@ or