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HomeGeneral Meetings

The fourth Tuesday of each month is typically the SECPTA General Meeting and are a place to socialize, build community, learn something, and meet new people. The meetings are open to the public, free of charge, do not require an RSVP. We meet at the Solon Community Center. When you enter through the main doors of the building, veer to your right and head down the long hallway. Go to the end of the hall and you will see a table and will be greeted by our wonderful Welcoming Committee. You will sign in and grab a name tag.

We all understand that spouses may not get home in time to take care of the kids so you can attend the meeting. SECPTA offers FREE babysitting at each and every meeting. Children are in the room next door and are kept active and happy. If your child needs you, you are notified immediately.

Starting around 6:45pm, our president calls the meeting to order and we listen to her share some great things that are happening with SEPCTA. Committee Chairs will also share events that they are planning. This is also a time where voting could occur. This generally takes about 10 minutes.

After the business portion, we have a different high-interest speaker come and address our membership. The topics are constantly changing.

We hope you consider joining us at the next meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our our VP of Programs at Feel free to bring a friend…our meetings are always open to the public!